Oxfam Intermon

We are a non-governmental organization for development cooperation (NGO) which focuses on providing a comprehensive response to the challenge of poverty and injustice to which all human beings can fully exercise their rights. Our work revolves around these five objectives for change:
Our goal is to get more women, young people and people in general who live in poverty and exclusion can exercise their civil and political rights. This will allow them to influence decision-making processes that affect their lives. To achieve this we work with government agencies and demand that governments and corporations greater responsibility for the observance of respect for the rights of people
We promote active citizenship as a basis for the claim of a better life. Global citizenship to strengthen the ties between our actions in the regions and countries where we work, and our work in the Spanish state and the global level. In Spain we aim to contribute to a sensible, informed and active citizenship, which react to injustices, especially those suffered by disadvantaged populations in the South and has an active role in the processes of local and global social transformation.