Guidelines for Integrating Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) into National Adaptation Plans (NAPs)
These guidelines aim to help adaptation practitioners at national and local levels to factor ecosystem functions and services into a country's National Adaptation Plan processes and instruments.
Vibrant Mountain Communities Regional Development in Mountains: Realizing Potentials, Tackling Disparities
This report draws on experiences from different mountain regions to shed light on three main levers for transformation in mountain areas: inclusive planning and decision-making, equitable access to quality public services, and collaborations to spark innovation.
Albania’s Approach to Integrating Adaptation into Domestic Budgeting
This sNAPshot takes a closer look at how Albania is integrating climate adaptation into its medium-term budget process.
Sourcebook: Valuing the Benefits, Costs and Impacts of Ecosystem-based Adaptation Measures
This sourcebook assists in building awareness, knowledge and capacity about why, how and in which contexts EbA valuation can be used to inform, guide and influence adaptation decision-making.
sNAPshot: Initiating sector integration of adaptation considerations
This overview brief from the NAP Global Network introduces the topic of sector integration and different ways to initiate it in the national adaptation plan (NAP) process.