electricity generation
Climate Change & Environment Nexus Brief: Mini-grids
This nexus brief focuses on rural electrification through mini-grids and their importance for the nexus of sustainable development, poverty alleviation, and climate change.
Implementing a Risk Management System for the British Power Grid
This case study showcase how the British operator Western Power Distribution implemented a risk management system for the British power grid.
Responding to Increased Summer Heat Stress for Nuclear Power Plants
This Ouranos case study explores how EDF Nuclear Power Plants respond to increased summer heat stress.
Adapting Nuclear Power Generation in a Cold Climate
This Ouranos case study explores how nuclear power generation can adapt to cold climates in Finland.
Strategic Approach to Climate Change Resilience
This case study explores how South Africa's power company, Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd. has integrated risk-based approach to understand and respond to the challenges associated with climate change.
INSIDE STORY: Renewable energy solutions for Punjab’s industrial sector – Evaluating the NAMA approach in Sialkot City, Pakistan
This project assessed a Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) as a policy tool to provide renewable energy to the industrial sector in Sialkot, Pakistan.
Peru’s National Climate Law: A critical step towards reducing global emissions
This publication explains how the Government of Peru went about creating Peru's first climate change law, which represents a major transformation of the country’s greenhouse gas management system.
Towards 100% sustainable energy on the Caribbean island of Saba
This case study examines Saba’s journey towards 100% sustainable energy, including its historical context, an overview of the electricity sector, policy objectives, budget and replicability.
Financing Inclusive Low-Carbon Resilient Development: The Role of the Alternative Energy Promotion Centre in Nepal
This report analyses the new financial delivery structures in Nepal that have been set up to channel low-carbon climate-resilient development finance to the poor, focusing on alternative energy.
Financing Inclusive Low-Carbon Development: The Role of Central Bank of Bangladesh and Infrastructure Development Company Ltd
How can we deliver climate finance to those who need it most? We examine the choices countries make in financing low-carbon resilient development, focusing on experiences in Bangladesh.