The first app to empower citizens against floods, wildfires and extreme weather events
The app enables its users to share pictures and other information on natural hazards and provides extensive information from multiple sources about the risks of suffering from these threats.
Session 5: Act to Adapt
A giant board game that gets youth to prioritise resources in their community which are vulnerable to extreme weather. Youth negotiate to take individual or collective actions to adapt resources.
Session 4: See the System
A card game to see how people, places and things (resources) fit into systems, followed by an activity to systematically brainstorm and prioritise community resources.
Session 3: Map the Hazard
Critical thinking challenge to map out extreme weather and its impacts on different societal groups. Voting determines the most frequent and impactful hazards in the local community.
Session 2: Climate Change Challenge
A playful session that demonstrates weather compared to climate, leading into an energetic game that teaches about the greenhouse effect, global warming and climate change.
When district officials played the ACCRA game, Kotido district, Uganda
In this video stakeholders explain how a game has raised their awareness of the importance of developing cross sectoral projects, keeping options for the unexpected and finding long term solutions.
New approaches to promoting Flexible and Forward-looking Decision Making: Insights from complexity science, climate change adaptation and ‘serious gaming’
Drawing on insights from complexity science, this paper describes what processes are needed to promote Flexible and Forward-looking Decision Making (FFDM).
Pilot Tools for Knowledge Elicitation (KnETs)
This article describes a technique for classifying and formalising elicited knowledge that can be used to enhance understanding of collected data and reveal new avenues for enquiry.