integrating knowledge and tools
Topic 5: Integration of cultural knowledge, capacities and needs into CAPs
This page features the key lessons shared by CAPs on the current practices, innovations and challenges related to the integration of cultural knowledge, capacities and needs into CAPs.
KE4CAP Survey: Synthesis of Responses
This article gathers information and knowledge from across the KE4CAP project to date, with a focus on a survey of climate adaptation knowledge platforms in late 2020.
Co-producing climate knowledge – Great in theory, but how about practice?
'Co-production’ of climate knowledge is far from easy to achieve in practice. This article looks at what we mean by 'co-production', the challenges involved, and how we can move forward.
A compilation of good practices, tools and available data collection initiatives for the use of local, indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices for adaptation
This report combines case studies globally concerning the types and applications of local, indigneous and traditional knowledge for climate change adaptation.
Designing Knowledge Coproduction for Climate and Development
This paper explores the ways climate and development researchers are using knowledge co-production approaches and the extent to which the approaches are reaching their potential.
Courting complexity in climate services: Lessons from Participatory Scenario Planning
The Participatory Scenario Planning approach for seasonal decision-making at the local level has been adopted in 6 African countries and in SE Asia. This article discusses what makes it successful.
Planning and Implementing Rural Adaptation Initiatives in the Lower Mekong: Integrating Climate Science and Local Knowledge
This comprehensive report demonstrates an integrative process for combining climate science and community knowledge to support climate change adaptation planning in the Lower Mekong Basin.
EcoAdapt: Creating and Sharing New Knowledge Through Joint Learning on Water Governance and Climate Change Adaptation
This Occasional Paper presents the results of the EcoAdapt Project, a joint undertaking by four research and five civil society organizations from Europe and Latin America.
Participatory 3-Dimensional Modelling: Guiding Principles and Applications
Participatory 3D modelling (P3DM) is a participatory mapping method integrating indigenous spatial knowledge with elevation data to produce stand-alone, scaled, and geo-referenced 3D models.
Lessons on Integrating Scientific and Community Knowledge of Climate Change to Develop Adaptation Plans in Lower Mekong Basin
USAID Mekong ARCC is implementing approaches to build local level adaptive capacity and resilience within rural communities across the lower Mekong basin countries.