Análisis del contexto socio-institucional Bosque Modelo Araucarias de Alto Malleco
Este artículo sintetiza los resultados de un estudio que analiza el contexto socio-institucional en el Bosque Modelo Araucarias de Alto Malleco en los territorios de Lonquimay y Curacautín de Chile
Learning across locales, organisations, and networks: The weADAPT experience
This note describes key weADAPT changes made since 2007, and identifies seven lessons/principles learned from the process of developing the platform to enable collaboration and sharing experiences.
Knowledge brokers collaboration: integrating global climate information and regional adaptation portals
A joint initiative between three knowledge brokers aims to advance the user demand-driven development, refinement and cross-linking between weADAPT, the Climate Information Portal (CIP) and AfricaAdapt
Whole Decision Network Analysis for Coastal Ecosystems (WD-NACE)
This project looks at the relationship between governance, power and knowledge structures and how these influence behaviour, actions and decision taking for sustainable social-ecological ecosystems.
Introduction to stakeholder analysis and engagement
Identification of stakeholders, and developing a plan for their participation throughout the screening process will be based on sound stakeholder analysis.