Stakeholder analysis
Water Resources Planning through Climate Change Capacity Building: Rios del Paramo al Valle, por urbes y campinas
Water Resources Planning through Climate Change Capacity Building: Rios del Paramo al Valle, por urbes y campinas
Social Network Analysis
This article, which is part of a series of MEDIATION outputs, provides a review of Social Network Analysis and associated tools for supporting adaptation decision-making.
Transformative Learning and Engagement with Climate Change Adaptation: Experiences with Sweden’s Forestry Sector
Instead of re-inventing the wheel and setting up yet another climate change adaptation web site, we found that the intuitive and simple map interface of weADAPT was a perfect match to what we had imagined… While we can present our sector specific case studies separately and control the appearance, we benefit from a great existing infrastructure, an interconnected user community, high visibility and a great team behind the platform to rely on. We couldn’t have done better than collaborating with weADAPT.
- Marco Braun, climate scientist at Ouranos
Stakeholder engagement, dialogue and modes of learning
The process of stakeholder engagement and creating dialogue aims to generate a concrete understanding that empowers, builds capacity and facilitates different modes of learning.
This article is in Spanish, but if you would like to view it in a different language please use the...
Method Development for Identifying and Analysing Stakeholders in Climate Change Adaptation Processes
Through a case study approach, based on studies of two Swedish urban regions this paper proposes a systematic method to analyze and identify stakeholder roles and responsibilities in adaptation.
Method Development for Identifying and Analysing Stakeholders in Climate Change Adaptation Processes
Through a case study approach, based on studies of two Swedish urban regions, Stockholm and Gothenburg, this paper proposes a systematic method to analyze and identify stakeholder roles and responsibilities in adaptation.
Multiple stakeholders’ economic analysis in Climate change adaptation Case study of Lake Chilwa Catchment in Malawi
Image: Lake Chilwa basin is a very important catchment that is providing livelihoods to more than 117,031 farm families....
Ecosystem based adaptation: a multi-stakeholder affair
Ecosystem based adaptation: a multi-stakeholder affair
Participation Methods
How do you input effective participatory methods? There is a general suite of methodologies and tools that can be combined and applied in a situation-specific manner with some being more participatory than others.